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Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Meaning of Motor Fitness

Motor fitness refers to the capability of an athlete to take part effectively in his/her particular sports. It can be said that motor fitness is a persons fitness ability to do physical activities.

AAHPER Motor Fitness Test -
Earlier, the name of this alliance was AAHPER, i.e., American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation but now it is known as AAHPERD, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. It is one of the oldest professional organisation in the USA. Its motor fitness test has been the major instrument for measuring motor fitness in American school children for over 50 years.
The first version of this was published in 1958 and then revised in 1975 in AAHPERD Youth fitness test.In this test, the following items were included.
# Pull ups (for boys) and flexed arm hang (for girls).
# Flexed leg sit ups
#  Shuttle run
# Standing long jump
# 50 yard dash
# 600 yard run walk
# Soft ball throw for distance
In 1976, the final test manual was prepaed. The following item were 


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