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Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Meaning of Motor Fitness

Motor fitness refers to the capability of an athlete to take part effectively in his/her particular sports. It can be said that motor fitness is a persons fitness ability to do physical activities.

AAHPER Motor Fitness Test -
Earlier, the name of this alliance was AAHPER, i.e., American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation but now it is known as AAHPERD, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. It is one of the oldest professional organisation in the USA. Its motor fitness test has been the major instrument for measuring motor fitness in American school children for over 50 years.
The first version of this was published in 1958 and then revised in 1975 in AAHPERD Youth fitness test.In this test, the following items were included.
# Pull ups (for boys) and flexed arm hang (for girls).
# Flexed leg sit ups
#  Shuttle run
# Standing long jump
# 50 yard dash
# 600 yard run walk
# Soft ball throw for distance
In 1976, the final test manual was prepaed. The following item were 

Friday, August 16, 2019


Meaning Of Muscular Strength

muscular strength, muscular power
muscular strength, muscular power
Muscular strength is one of the important component in physical fitness. Muscular strength is a extent of force a muscles or a group of muscles can exert against resistance for short duration as in anaerobic activities. Muscular strength is essential for performing daily routine work easily and smoothly such as Lifting weight, climbing stairs, etc. 


#Kraus-Weber test-

Here, measurement consist of six testes. All these tests are commonly categorized under Weber test.These tests are supposed to measure the minimum muscular fitness of the individual. These tests are graded on the pass-fail basis. But partial movements on each test can be scored in the scale from 0-10.

# Administration of Kraus-Weber tests-

Kraus-Weber test-
Kraus-Weber tests
1. Test No.1- The subject lie down in a supine position, i.e., flat on his back and hand behind the back. The examiner hold the subject feet to keep him on the ground. The subject ask to perform one sit up, he passes this test . If he cannot raise his feet he is fail.

Kraus-Weber test-Kraus-Weber test-
Kraus-Weber tests
2. Test No. 2- The lying position of the subject remain same i.e.,supine position expect that his knees are bent and ankle remain in touch with his buttocks. He is asked to perform full sit ups, he passes this test If he is unable to raise his shoulder from the ground , he score 0 .

Kraus-Weber test-

Kraus-Weber test-

3. Test No. 3- The subject lie in the supine position i.e., lies flat on his back with his hand behind the neck. He is asked to raise his feet 10 inches from the ground. His knees should be straight. The examiner count till 10 sec. The subject passes this test if he hold that position for 10 seconds. Scoring from 0-10 depends on the number of seconds the subject holds the appropriate position.

Kraus-Weber test-
Kraus-Weber tests
4.Test No.4- The subject lies in the prone position, i.e., on his stomach with pillow under his lower abdomen and his hands behind his neck.The examiner hold his feet down. The subject is asked to raise his chest, head and  shoulders, while the examiner count for 10 seconds. he passes this test if he is able to hold the exact position up-to 10 seconds. Scoring from 0-10 depends on the number subject holds the exact position.

Kraus-Weber test-
Kraus-Weber tests
5. Test No.5 - The subject position remains the same, but the examiner holds his chest down. The subject is asked to raise his feet. His knees should be straight. The examiner count til 10 sec. Scoring from 0-10 depends on the number of seconds the subject holds the position.
Kraus-Weber test-
Kraus-Weber tests

6.Test No.6- It is also known as floor-touch test. It measure the  flexibility of the trunk. The subject stands erect, bare foot, hands at the side and feet together. He is asked to lean down slowly to touch the floor with finger for 3 sec. In this test, bouncing or jerking is not allowed. The examiner holds the subject knees in order to prevent any bend, in case it occurs. Scoring from 0-10 depends on the number of second the subject holds the position.

Monday, August 12, 2019

10 Health Benefits of a Morning Run


It’s no secret that running is an incredibly popular way to exercise, whether you go for a morning run,
benefits of morning running, benefits of running
running benefits
after work, or in the evening. In fact, tens of millions of people do it each year. From light jogs around town to die-hard marathon runners and everyone in between, there seems to be a type of running that satisfies everyone’s needs.
Not only is running accessible, but it’s also effective. Regular running is linked to a myriad of health benefits, can help people lose weight, and improve mood and self-esteem.Fabulous has a training program that can help you build a consistent morning exercise routine.Anyone who runs regularly knows that the experience can be quite spiritual, especially when running early in the morning. There’s something magical about being up before the rest of the world, taking special time for yourself to boost your health and energize yourself for the day ahead.

10 benefits of a morning run:

1. Running burns more calories than most exercises
Running is a high-impact, high-intensity workout that requires multiple muscle groups and works them hard. And, not only does running burn more calories up front, high-intensity workouts continue to burn calories for up to 48 hours after you exercise!
2. Running is inexpensive compared to other forms of exercise
Forget expensive gym memberships, equipment, and all those other bells and whistles. Just get a good pair of running shoes. Plus, outside is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
3. Running can lower stress and improve mood
Any kind of exercise will release endorphins, which make you feel happy and good. But they don’t call it a “runner’s high” for nothing! High-intensity workouts flood your body with feel-good chemicals, which will certainly come in handy when you’re getting the kids to school or rushing to meet a deadline at work.
4. A morning run is a much easier commitment
We are really good at convincing ourselves not to do things when we’re tired. After a long day at work or in school, the last thing we want to worry about is working more. If you go for a run in the morning, however, you “get it out of the way,” freeing up your evenings for much-needed relaxation. It’s also something you can do consistently.
5. Nature is at its finest in the morning
If you can run outside in the morning, you’ll notice two things: Fewer people and more nature. So you can listen to the calming sounds of birds and other animals while on your run.
running benefits
morning running

6. Mornings are rarely too dark or too hot

Perhaps the main disadvantage of running outside is that you are at the mercy of Mother Nature. It can be too hot to run later in the day, or too dark when the sun sets sooner. Plus, running in the morning reduces the need for sunscreen.
7. Running can give you an early-morning energy buzz
High-intensity workouts flood your body with endorphins and adrenaline, both of which make you feel more focused and alert. Mornings can be a particularly frantic time, so an energy boost can really come in handy!
8. It can also make your nights better
Running at any time of day will help you sleep better, but exercising later in the day, especially before bed, can leave some people too restless to fall asleep easily. If you exercise in the morning, however, that energy boost is long gone by the time you’re ready to hit the sheets.
9. It’s good for your self-esteem
Who’s going to have anything bad to say about someone so disciplined that they wake up extra early just to go out for a run? Plus, posting those morning workout selfies and beautiful sunrises on Instagram may hold you accountable to keep up the habit!
10. You can “program” your brain to run in the morning
It’s as simple as running every morning consistently. This kind of conditioning will actually make getting out of bed easier; your body will expect you to need energy shortly after waking so you can run and will provide accordingly.

Saturday, August 10, 2019



Endurance is the ability to sustain an activity. BARROW and McGee, define endurance as the result of the physiologic capacity of a individual to sustain movement over a period of time. Herre also define endurance as the ability to resist fatigue. IN ALL SPORTS , endurance is directly or indirectly of high importance.


1.Continuous Training Method- This method is a best method
Continuous Training Method,meaning of Continuous Training Method
Continuous Training Method
to improve endurance. In this training method, A exercise is performed for a long duration without any break. In this method, intensity remain low because because exercise is performed for long time. Cross country is a best example of continuous method. The rate of heart beat is 140-160 beats per minute. The total duration of this exercise should not be less than 30 minutes. This duration of exercise can be increase according to endurance ability of the sports person. 


1.It increase glycogen in muscles and liver.
2.It increases the number and size of mitochondria.
3. It also increase the capacity of heart and lungs.
4.It improve the willpower and makes the individual well-determined under the condition of fatigue.
5. It makes the individual self disciplined and self confident.

2.Interval Training Method-It is a training of heart
through endurance training . Bikila, the famous athletic coach of finland, introduced this training method in 1920.This method is based on principle of 'effort and recovery'. During interval training, recovery period is given to athlete after each speedy workout.Recovery period can be adjusted according to the efficiency of athlete . For an athlete of 400m race , the following example can be applicable for his training ..

1.  400m race with 80% speed.
2.Walking or jogging until his heart rate comes down to 120 to 140 approximately.
3. 400m race with 80% speed.
The repetition depend on the experience and capability of an athlete. Recovery period and workout can be adjusted according to the level of athlete.


1. More workout can be performed in short duration.
2.The progress of athlete can be measured easily.
3.Athlete gets a fair judgement easily.
4.Patience can be increased in athlete.
5.It gives better result in a short time.


1.There are more chance of injuries.
2. Regular training can lead to heart disease.
3.Top performance comes before competition and cannot remain up to the competition time.

3.FARTLEK TRAINING METHOD- This method is develop by GOSTA HOLMER in 1937. In this method
speed is not pre-planned and thus it is left to the discretion of individual. He/She can change their speed according to the surrounding (hills,rivers,forests,muddy roads,metal roads,grassy grounds).Self discipline plays a vital role in fartlek training method. THe rate of heart beat ranges between 140 to 180 per minutes.For performing this training, proper warm up should be done in beginning and appropriate cooling down at the end of the training to improve performance and to reduce the chances of injury.


1. It keep the heart rate up allowing an athlete to get good cardiovascular endurance.
2. Due to the sprinting interval, it makes the body versatile.
3. It is flexible in nature.
4. A number of athlete can take part in this training simultaneously.
5. It can be easily adapted to the athlete's need.


1. It is difficult to see how hard the trainee is making efforts.
2. Sometimes the athlete is likely to give up effort.
3. It may cause accidents because it is not pre-planned.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Carbohydrates|carbohydrates definition


carbohydrates, meaning of carbohydrates

what is carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy . They contain element of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The very first part of the name "carbo" mean that they contain carbon. The second part of the name "hydr" means that they contain hydrogen. The third part of the name "ate" means that they contain oxygen. In all carbohydrates the ratio of hydrogen atom to oxygen atoms is 2:1 just like water i.e., H2O. Carbohydrates are actually the organic compound that are important for our digestive operation in our body. 


carbohydrates, meaning of carbohydrates


THERE are two main types of carbohydrates i.e., simple and complex carbohydrates. Glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, maltose, and lactose are called simple carbohydrates. they are soluble in water. they are crystalline. they are sweet in taste and are called sugar. starch, dextrins, glycogen ans cellulose are called complex carbohydrates or polysaccharides. These are not sweet in taste. They are in soluble in water. They are not crystalline. the main difference between the types of carbohydrates is actually the difference between in their body compositions. Simple carbohydrates have smaller chain of chemical composition in comparison to complex ones.

food Intolerance

food intolerance
food intolerance
Food intolerance is more common than food allergy. Food intolerance is a term used widely 
 for varied physiological response associated with a particular food . IN simple words , food intolerance means the individual elements of certain food that cannot be properly proceed and absorbed by our digestive system . some person can tolerate reasonable amount of food if they eat to much or too often they get symptoms of food intolerance becoze there body cannot tolerate unlimited amount .


food intolerance,symptoms of food
food intolerance

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Food Myths


There are various food myths which are prevailing not only in india but all over the world. what to eat, when to eat and how often to eat are such question are usually confuse most of the individuals.

  • 7 Common Food Myths Debunked

1. Saturated Fats are Always Bad for You.

2. Organic Foods Contain More Nutrients Than Their Conventional Counterparts.

3. Skipping Breakfast is a Good Way to Cut Calories and Lose Weight Faster.

4. Fresh Foods Are Always Better than Frozen or Dried Alternatives.

5. Foods that Are Labeled “Natural” Are Better for You.

6. Eating Eggs Raises Your Cholesterol Levels.

7. Nuts are an Unhealthy Junk Food

Monday, August 5, 2019

Balance Diet

A balanced diet refers to intake of edible which can provide all the essential food constituent necessary for growth and maintenance of the body, in definite amount in which they are required by the body. A balanced diet means eating the right amount of food from all food groups.

The importance of nutrition and a balanced diet

Nutrition is vital for your body and all of its systems to function properly, by having good nutrition it will help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce body fat, provide your body with energy, promote good sleep and generally make you feel better. This has been proven through many scientific studies and is now well documented. By having good nutrition it has been proven that you are less likely to develop many of the present-day diseases.